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WhatsApp caught scammers - Banned

WhatsApp recently caught 8 Million scammers in India and banned their accounts. We saw there are many scams that relate LinkedIn and WhatsApp together and we also saw accounts with country code 852 Also there also there are many Real Estate scams.

whatsapp scammer banned in india
WhatsApp scams in india

WhatsApp lately made an advertisement about its conduct in India to misbehave with the new IT Rules 2021. In July, WhatsApp took strong measures by disabling a record-breaking 7.2 million accounts that were engaged in vicious conditioning. especially, out of these,3.1 million accounts were banned before any stoner complaints were entered, showing WhatsApp's commitment to maintaining a secure platform.

The company stressed that its stoner safety report provides detailed perceptivity into stoner complaints and the conduct taken by WhatsApp. It also highlights WhatsApp's visionary sweats to combat abuse on its platform, emphasizing its fidelity to stoner safety.

To empower social media druggies in India, the Central government introduced the Grievance Appellate Committee( GAC). This commission is concentrated on addressing stoner enterprises, especially those related to content. It represents a significant step towards enhancing digital regulations in the country to oversee Big Tech companies.

The main part of the commission is to review prayers from druggies regarding opinions made by social media platforms. This action aligns with the government's broader charge to produce an open, secure, secure, and responsible internet terrain. To cover the rights of" Digital Citizens," the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has introduced specific emendations aimed at achieving these objectives.

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different scams running in india

Cybersecurity, hacking, phishing, and identity theft are often portrayed as specialized terms and domains. On the contrary, in our nation, these are just the basic day-to-day interactions and practices that impact and can be deployed by any common man. Some of the common scams that run through WhatsApp, one of the most used instant messaging apps by Indians are listed below. The list naturally is not exhaustive as the scammers keep inventing new ways to scam people, often using newly introduced features that might not be well known to the public at large.

  1. WhatsApp business identity thefts:

  • This is one of the most popular scams in recent times. WhatsApp allows the user to display your profile name even those users who do not have their contact number saved.

  • Now when clubbed with the large digital divide in the nation, WhatsApp users often confuse a WhatsApp business profile with a contact saved on their phone.

  • This is exactly what the scammers want. Often they get hold of a database with contact details of your near and dear ones. They then portray themselves as you and then ask for the money from your contact lists, quoting that they need the transfer as it is an emergency and will be returned later.

  • Since they use the display picture same as yours and WhatsApp business shows the name which appears to be true prime-facie. Users often get confused and transfer the money.

  • They also make calls and shout to create a situation of panic to further dramatize the moment.

2. KBC scam

  • This scam has been here for ages now. Earlier it was done through telephone calls, now it is done through WhatsApp.

  • The scammer messages you a tempting reward if you answer his questions. The questions often are so easy that it can easily be answered by a 10-year-old.

  • The scammer then asks you to send the registration fee or token money so that the amount can be transferred to your account. Since it must be quite obvious now that any transferred amount will neither be returned, nor your so-called prize money will ever be received by you.

  • Precautions

  • If any agency or business asks you to transfer them the token or registration fee to receive the awards, ask them to deduct it from the awards. In all likelihood, you will never receive a further request from them.

3. Video call scams

  • In these scams, the scammer tries to lure you into a video call and then tries to honeytrap you by showing some pre-recorded nude videos.

  • The scammer then records the screen and gives you a threat to release it to your relatives or in your social groups if you do not transfer the money.

  • Scammer thus relies on your vulnerability, gullible nature, and financial status to receive the money through blackmail.

4. WhatsApp group scams

  • The scammers add you to a WhatsApp group and talk about investing. Some pre-installed individuals in the group start talking about how the investment has benefitted them.

  • Most of the time the interactions held in the group are by bots.

  • Also since the groups are formed by engaging as large a number as they can have, the numbers are often in a continuous series.

  • Precautions

  • Never believe in the chats in an unknown group. We are already living in the era of fake news which is difficult to distinguish from the real ones. This is something that is easy to understand by nearly all users.

In addition to the precautions stated above, always report and block the interactions that you had with the scammer. This goes a long way in cleaning the scammers out of WhatsApp and is a great community service.

Be aware, be vigilant. Be safe.

--- TECHBOX18 Network

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