Arjun Jangid

Oct 8, 20201 min

Youtube Premium Allow users to check Beta features!

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Prior to turning out new highlights, engineers typically try out these highlights with a limited handful of clients to ensure the execution is correct and the element functions as expected. As of recently, YouTube would arbitrarily choose clients to beta test highlights. That is evolving now. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, just YouTube Premium endorsers will have the option to get early admittance to test YouTube highlights.

The first is Watch on your Home screen is an iOS-just test highlight that will let clients watch recordings with sound and even look for without leaving the home screen of the application. As of now, YouTube does auto-play recordings on the landing page yet you can't look for.

The subsequent element is very clear as crystal - Voice search on Web. This component is as of now just accessible on Chrome right now.

The last one is Filter by point in extra dialects which will currently let clients utilize subject channels in Spanish, French, or Portuguese. This element has just been accessible for the English language as of recently.

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